Ready to take a deep dive into the Unified Mindfulness system?
Great! Because there's something very special planned for you over these 8 weeks.
Shinzen Young's Unified Mindfulness (UM) system is your ticket to a transformative journey, whether you're just dipping your toes into meditation or you're a seasoned practitioner. I'll be your guide, showing you how to unlock the potential already within you. Together, we'll explore how focus, clarity, and happiness can become your daily companions.
Picture mindfulness like a workout for your mind - not just a once-a-day routine, but a way of life. It's about upgrading your mental operating system so that every moment, from hugging the kids goodbye to tackling work projects, becomes richer and more fulfilling. Throughout our 8-week journey, we'll build your toolkit, experiment with techniques, and celebrate your progress every step of the way.
No matter where you're at with meditation, this program is tailored to meet you there. We'll delve into UM techniques designed to enhance your focus, joy, and stress management. Whether you're enjoying nature or navigating a challenging situation, there's a technique to elevate your experience.
UM's comprehensive system covers all contemplative approaches and "unifies" them in a clear framework that's so rigorously precise institutions like Harvard Medical School, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Vermont use it as the basis for their research on meditation and its application in the neurosciences, psychology, and clinical sciences.
Your 8-Week Mindfulness Program
Week 1 - Introduction to Unified Mindfulness
Your introduction to the "See Hear Feel" technique. We discuss what you're hoping to get from this training and how to use the See Hear Feel technique in your life.
Week 2 - How to Relax and Recharge with Mindfulness
Your introduction to the "Feel Rest" technique and how to use it to manage stress. Relaxation is always available, but it can be subtle and hard to detect. When you understand how to discover and pay skilful attention to relaxation, you nurture it - experiencing it more frequently and more deeply.
Week 3 - Mindfulness in Daily Life
Learn how to use the "See Hear Feel" and "Feel Rest" techniques in daily life. This can have a radical positive effect over time. There are three types of life practice: Microhits, Background Practice, and Formal Practice. I'll show you how and when to use each of these to accelerate your mindfulness practice and apply it to any situation.
Week 4 - Getting in the Zone and Going with the Flow
Discover the "Feel Flow" technique, how it relates to peak performance, and how you can access it for increased well-being. You'll also get your introduction to ULTRA - the Universal Library for TRaining Attention, which includes every significant approach to contemplative practice.
Week 5 - It’s Fun to Be Spontaneous
How many times in the day do you find yourself on "auto-pilot" - just going through the motions? Well, that doesn't have to be a problem. You can use those moments to deepen your attention skills. The "Auto Walk" technique will show you how to develop spontaneity.
Week 6 - Feeling Good and the Magic of Music
In this session, you'll learn the "Feel Good" technique and why learning to practice with music helps you improve your relationships and your well-being while you sharpen skills that help you bring practice into your day-to-day life.
Week 7 - Applying Mindfulness to Inner Opportunities and Obstacles
This is what makes UM's empowering approach stand apart from the rest. You'll master the art of deciding what technique to use when, so you know how to make the most of any situation, inner or outer.
Week 8 - Wrap Up: Your Unified Mindfulness Road Map
Wrap up the training by discovering the rhythms for practising mindfulness so the journey you've begun remains lifelong, transforming your life, day by day.
*All classes will be approximately one hour long, but may run a little longer depending on the amount of Q&A as these classes are highly interactive! Budget for an hour and a half.
And remember, the end of this program is really just the start of your new mindfulness journey. Because this coaching is live, enrollment is limited to 10 people, so you get the personal attention and support necessary to make this training a genuinely transformative process.
I love the playfulness of the Unified Mindfulness system. I also acknowledge and honour your commitment to "do the work" necessary to grow your mindfulness practice. I couldn't be more excited to offer this course and I look forward to working with you.
Where will we meet?
From the comfort of... wherever you choose to join from!
Classes will be conducted through Zoom. You'll receive a Zoom link for our classes after paying for your place in the course.
When is class?
Upcoming dates to be announced soon.
If you would like me to lead this course for a group, please drop me a line.